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110 posts

Club Meeting 10-11-15

The scheduled general meeting for Tuesday 10th November has been postponed, as 90% of the committee can’t make it! If there is enough interest a general meeting will be held at Dimitri’s before the Christmas Lunch on the 6th December. Keep watching this space for details.

GM and pre-season social.

General meeting followed by a social get together. Saturday 26th September. The Fitzgerald’s place in Badgee (call or email if you don’t know the address,) Come along to either or both. Meeting 11am followed by social from 12pm. Food, Tea and coffee provided, BYO “refreshments” Call Andy or Louisa more […]

Presentation Lunch

Put 17th May in your diaries. Social gathering to celebrate another great sailing year. Fun, games and prizes, and not just for the winners. Don’t miss out. We’ll only talk about you behind your back if you don’t come! Think somebody might be interested in sailing? Well bring them along […]