Well the Covid curse still seems to be with us. For the safety of all members of the club and the wider community we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to read the documents on this page, and act accordingly.
At this stage the club is still working towards sailing for the 2021-2022 season, just as soon as the Health requirements of the day allow us.
Until further notice all persons wishing to take part in any organised club event must adhere to the guidelines and instructions as detailed in the documents below. Before sailing, each skipper must download the Covidsafe Declaration and keep a signed copy on the vessel at all times. Before each race we ask all skippers and crew to register their participation via the QR code below (either scan it with your phone or tap/click on the code and then enter your details). Failure to do will mean that you are not registered to sail and will not be eligible for any race points and will be recorded as “Did not Compete”
Register for EACH race or event, by scanning or click/tap on the image below: